Art Therapy: Definition, Types, Techniques, and Efficacy

art therapy ideas for adults in recovery

This simple yet powerful art therapy directive works well for clients who are struggling to define who they are. Whether their identity struggles are related to childhood trauma, unresolved loss, or a life transition, the Identity Collage art therapy activity can help them explore who they are. Because it’s collage, it’s super accessible for most clients and there is a lot of versatility in terms of what kind of prompt and materials you provide. Some people believe that art therapy is the province of children, and that most adults would balk at the suggestion of making art in sessions. This is due to a number of reasons, including things like their natural drive toward play and creative expression. Plus, many adults appreciate the way art allows for nonverbal communication and exploration of issues on a symbolic level.

  • For over 50 years, the Gateway Foundation has been serving patients at all stages of recovery by offering evidence-based and individualized treatment programs.
  • Access to nature in either a garden or park is also preferable (Atkins & Snyder, 2017), as it’s much easier to slow down in nature than in a busy urban setting.

Body Outline Drawing for Self-Awareness

Those who suffer from drug or alcohol addiction frequently begin using the substances as a means of managing or enduring both physical and mental discomfort. Unfortunately, numbing thoughts and feelings may seem to help for a while, but as we all know, trauma takes work to overcome. However, when you finally do meet with others who understand what you’re going through, it becomes easier to express yourself and discuss how you feel. Using art can be an effective tool in helping you communicate your feelings without words. All art forms have the ability to not only help you express how you feel but help you free yourself from any emotions or experiences tying you down.

  • Through the creative process, expressive arts therapy empowers you to find emotional balance which can aid you in your recovery process.
  • If you’ve always dreamt of being an actor or actress, you can write your own script and create characters that represent your struggles.
  • It can help those suffering learn to manage their feelings and behaviors, relieve symptoms of stress, and even develop interpersonal skills.
  • Art therapy can also teach and develop skills needed to improve mental health such as introspection, self-awareness, and coping methods.

Integrating Substance Use Services into the Healthcare System

art therapy ideas for adults in recovery

For more information, don’t forget to download our three Positive CBT Exercises for free. The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association has a searchable list of training programs. The following are some of the top courses available, from certificates to diplomas and degrees up to PhD. Participants art therapy ideas for adults in recovery benefit by relaxing, becoming more present, and through an enhanced sense of creativity and flow. To make a mandala from scratch, the client needs to draw a circle (perhaps tracing around a circular object or using a compass) and then fill the circle in with spontaneous patterns and colors.

art therapy ideas for adults in recovery

You Don’t Have to Be Artistic

While research suggests that art therapy may be beneficial, some of the findings on its effectiveness are mixed. Studies are often small and inconclusive, so further research is needed to explore how and when art therapy may be most beneficial. For the most part, I’ll be focusing on interventions used with adults, but some will also apply to work with children, groups, couples, or families. I’ll try to give you a brief history of each intervention through the lens of art therapy and the influences of psychology, counseling, marriage and family therapy, art, and culture on that intervention. I’ll also be explaining a little bit of how an intervention might be adapted to suit individual needs and situations in the spirit of “one size does not fit all.”

art therapy ideas for adults in recovery

What Are the Benefits of Art Therapy for Drug Addiction?

art therapy ideas for adults in recovery

Enter your phone number below to receive a free and confidential call from a treatment provider. Since creativity is stifled by addiction, it stands to reason that reviving creativity is frequently crucial to overcoming addiction. All these factors can help people stay motivated and committed to their recovery goals. Once sober, many people find it difficult to fill all the hours they used to spend seeking and using drugs or alcohol. Many people lose touch with their true selves when their primary relationship is with drugs or alcohol. There are several other ways art can be beneficial in terms of community and connecting with others.

Expressive Arts Therapy: 15 Creative Activities and Techniques

The Role of Community and Support

art therapy ideas for adults in recovery

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